Have you ever clicked on an email and then started getting ads from that company on your social media? Ever Googled something only to see ads appear randomly on Facebook or Instagram?
It’s happened to all of us and nowadays, it happens almost daily. This is because email and social media, if used correctly, can work together to drive and convert leads as well as build brand awareness and trust with your target audience.
Here’s how to use and integrate both social media and email marketing to take your digital marketing to the next level….
Social media marketing
First, let’s look at exactly what social media marketing is. Social media marketing is simply promoting your content on your social media channels including Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn. It is tailored to each social channel and towards each target market.
Social media marketing can allow you to create engaging content such as live videos, in-app ecommerce options, behind the scene videos or interviews, etc. It can also be an easy way to engage in conversation with your audience directly. At Problem Solvers we help clients map out social media content, create content, post content and report on it. We can help with one or all of these tasks if you need!
Email marketing
Like social media marketing, email marketing connects you to your audience and is an avenue to promote your brand, services, products, etc. You can do a lot of things with email marketing—like sell your products, share news, tell a story or promote a sale.
We suggest using an email provider, like Mailchimp, whose campaign builder can give you easy to use templates for any message, whether you are welcoming new customers, wishing someone a happy birthday, or just promoting a product or service.
Email marketing is specifically effective because it leads subscribers directly down the sales funnel. It is a way to send information to those who have subscribed and to increase sales. According to Hubspot, two-thirds of customers make purchases as a result of email marketing. And with a 4400% ROI, that’s an amazing deal. This means for every $1 spent, you can expect a $44 return!
Integrating the two
So now, let’s talk about how to integrate social media marketing with email marketing. You don’t just have to Tweet out your email link or post it on your Facebook page anymore to get subscribers. There are other engaging ways you can integrate the two…
- Include social media profile links in your marketing emails. This will help give new subscribers a way to engage with your brand online and to view more of your content.
- Send an email to subscribers letting them know how your social media accounts will keep them updated, notified or provide alerts.
- Use social media to remind customers to check their email on a certain date. Build suspense towards big announcements or exciting things you are emailing about.
- Integrate calendars. Calendars help ensure everyone is one the same page and knows when each campaign begins and ends. They make it easier to work together to promote initiatives.
- Encourage users to sign up for your email list on your social media accounts. Give them an incentive or reason.
- Upload your subscriber lists to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Use these lists to follow subscribers on social media, run campaigns to those already interested in your brand or just simply create a customer list.
- It you are running pay-per-click ads, retarget some to email subscribers by installing a tracking code on your website. This way, when you send an email subscriber an email linking to your site, you can target ads to only the people who clicked to that page.
Planning your social media, email and digital marketing plans should go hand-in-hand. They are all connected and when executed correctly, can be a powerful force for marketing your brand.
Let us help you strategize and plan out your next social and email marketing campaigns. Together we can integrate all branches of your marketing to create a seamless customer experience.
Contact us today to get started!
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